10. Her


It was New Year’s Day of 2014 and the year before I went to the movies Christmas day by myself to see Django Unchained. That was the first time I had gone to the movies by myself. I don’t really love that movie anymore, but I did the same with Her. I thought about the film the whole bus ride home and I instantly loved the movie. I think it is the best film that came out of 2013 and Spike Jonze is taking forever to make a new film. I am attracted to the relationship that they experience it is my favorite romantic film. Since Blue Valentine is a bleak look at a relationship and I guess this is as well. Maybe I just like relationships that end up in the gutter since all good things must come to an end anyway.

I think anybody who falls in love is a freak. It’s a crazy thing to do. It’s kind of like a form of socially acceptable insanity.
— Amy

My Favorite Scene:

My favorite scene in this film is probably when they go out on their first date. Their such naivety in the characters . They are getting to know each other and their surroundings. They are optimistic and full of joy as is every relationship at the start.


My Favorite Character:

Theodore is my favorite character this is a great performance by Joaquin he shows us a devastated man, compassionate, open, sensitive, melancholy and understanding all in one.

9. Days of Heaven


Days of Heaven is a quaint tale set amongst an epic backdrop. The film carries itself in a heavy manner yet it deals with love and patience. It is the grown up version of Badlands in my opinion. Terrence Malick figures out what it is that he wants to tell about these types of volatile relationships. He loves to put his male characters in awkward situations. The film is not as funny as Badlands, which contains humor due to the whacky relationship between Sissy Spacek and Martin Sheen.

I fell in love with this film, because I find it therapeutic in a weird way. It is bleak and devastating once it comes to an end. However, as it builds it’s tension and you fall deeper into this world you get a feel for the desperation these characters are under. I would have loved some more from Brooke Adams who plays Abby in the film. That might be my only knock against these Terrence Malick films his women characters are daring and irresponsible at a surface level. His films point the finger in their direction as the fall of these men.

My Favorite Scene:

The scene where the fire is raging and they have the showdown. A lot of quiet scenes like the one pictured below as well.


My Favorite Character:

It is definitely Linda. I think she has to carry a lot of the emotional weight and the story is told through her eyes.

8. Boogie Nights


I disliked Boogie Nights the first couple times I saw the film. I thought The Master, There Will Be Blood and Magnolia were superior films. I have only finished Magnolia once and have come close to finishing it multiple times. I just think that film is ridiculously long. It works well and I think it is PTA’s most ambitious movie, but I think it misses the target. I think Boogie Nights is the best movie of all time from a film making perspective and a worthy predecessor of Citizen Kane. However, Phantom Thread is PTA’s most restrained and well paced film in my eyes. It is weird he is all over the place (in a good way), but he continues to grow after all these years of telling stories and making films. (He is also my favorite director)

I came to love Boogie Nights when I had the chance to watch it on the big screen. (Thank you Alamo Drafthouse!) I thought it was an amazing Cautionary Tale. It came together well and the music throughout the film takes it to the next level. Recently during an interview I mentioned Boogie Nights as the best movie of all time. It is! It is not my number one, but it hits every point so well. It even has a character I hate William H. Macy’s character is the fucking worst.


My Favorite Scene:

It is has to be the scene with all the guy’s at Alfred Molina’s home it is such clumsy and dirty scene. These guys suck at stick up they have no idea what they are doing. You can feel the desperation in the air.


My Favorite Character:

I don’t think I have a favorite character in this film. I definitely dislike a lot of the characters, but I think that is fine when creating characters. I don’t agree that you have to garner sympathy with a protagonist. A great sign of a character is that they can make you feel some type of way about them whether it is positive or negative. This film has William H. Macy, Julianne Moore, and Mark Wahlberg who I think are all scummy and fucked. I think Thomas Jane’s character is pretty cool.

7. Y Tu Mama También


The first time I heard of this movie it was one of those that I remember their being tons of hype about. The only other film I remember everyone around me talking about when I was a little kid was Titanic. I remember seeing Titanic when I was like 4-5 years old. My parents rented that double cassette boxset ha.

This was another one like that I remember my uncle’s and my parents talking about it. This and Amores Perros were brought up constantly when I was a kid. I was like 6 years old when my parents saw this. They didn’t let me watch, but they let me watch Halloween, Scream and all those other horror films.

Violence is fine, but sex is off limits!

My feelings about this film are that this is the closest that we will get to On The Road in a film version. Even though there isn’t much debauchery in regards to drugs and irresponsibility. Kerouac insists On The Road is about a spirtual journey I don’t see it in that, but I see it in this. I never saw much of Luisa maybe because she was older when this released. Diego Luna and Gael Garcia Bernal are still reaping the benefits from their finest film to date.


My Favorite Scene:

It would definitely be the sex scenes. This in my opinion is the sexiest movie of all time and not in the Blue is the Warmest Color type of way. This film oozes sexuality and it has a color palette similar to something Wong Kar Was would work with. I recently had a chance to see Love in the Afternoon that is also up for consideration of sexiest movie.

My Favorite Character:

Luisa is my favorite character in this film she has let go of bounds and completely focused on her fulfillment as a person. The boys are still struggling and are completely motivated by sex.


6. Chunking Express


Yeesh is this film ultra dope. I thought that both stories did not lend much to themselves in regards to characters/content. I like the second half a lot better, I thought it had a clearer sense, the characters even though they struggle with their wants it is clear from the beginning that they are seeking eachother. The first half felt like a David Lynch film. I like David Lynch. The soundtrack and the color palette are astonishing. This is Lost in Translation before Lost in Translation.


My Favorite Scene:

Would be when the apartment is flooding.


My Favorite Character:

Faye is my favorite character she is all over the place. She is beautiful and curious it felt like an episode of Tom & Jerry.


5. Blue Valentine


Wow the first time I saw this movie I was in awe. It was during my peak Ryan Gosling fandom. Watching film after film of his this was after I saw Drive. I decided to watch this film and thought fuck is this shit devastating. I was younger the first time I saw this movie so I did not understand Michelle William’s character or give her much a platform. I thought what she did was selfish, but it makes sense people change. They make the decisions that they have to make.

My Favorite Scene:

When they stay at that motel, it is the last resort.

My Favorite Character:

Michelle Williams in this is great she deals with so fucking much.

4. The Deer Hunter


I have a lot of feelings about this film. I think it is a well crafted masterpiece. Cimino gets flak for bringing down a whole studio, but that should not sour the taste of this epic tale. It full of emotions and devastation even though I think Coming Home, does a better job of tackling PTSD. You can feel the weight Robert Deniro carries on his shoulders through the whole film.


My Favorite Scene:

Would probably be when Deniro’s character returns from Vietnam and visits John Savage in the hospital. I also love the camaraderie between the friends and the scenes leading up their deployment.


My Favorite Character:

Would be DeNiro’s char and I don’t know why they gave Walken the Oscar for this role. Fuck Oscars anyway!

3. The Dark Knight


This film series means a lot to me. The Dark Knight Rises is what solidified my want to make films. However, The Dark Knight was an epic experience and the most memorable one I had growing up. I am sure it is similar to a lot of people witnessing Star Wars or any of those lame 80’s films. After watching this film for the first time I came out with my mind blown. I was like what the fuck did I just see??? As time has passed I have grown less fondly of the film as a whole. However, Heath Ledger as the Joker is still my favorite male performance of all time closely followed by Ethan Hawke in First Reformed and Robert Michum in The Night of the Hunter.


My Favorite Scene:

The Final showdown before Batman gets to Joker with the fucking sonar. That scene is amazing!


My Favorite Character:

Every scene with Heath Ledger as the Joker he just controls every scene like I have never seen another actor move. I guess Joaquin Phoenix and Daniel Day Lewis have done it as well, but I thought Heath was up there. He ran circles around Christian Bale, Michael Caine, Maggie Gyllenhaal,


2. Taxi Driver


I thought it was especially brutal, blunt, horrifying and realistic. It feels like Scorsese heightened the underground world of New York, but at the same time kept a realistic stamp on it. Travis Bickle is just an amalgamation of this rot he spends so much time staring at mirrors. From the pimp to Jodie Foster’s character it is a story of people getting it where they can and even though they roll around in the mud you find sympathy for every. Paul Schrader does a great job of giving us complete characters.


My Favorite Scene:

The first time he takes out Cybil Shepherd. The coffe shop scene not to the pornographic movie.


My Favorite Character:

Travis Bickle!


1. Halloween (1978)


The pacing, soundtrack, characters and malevolence of the antagonist make this the best horror movie of all time. It is usually my favorite film, but I constantly flip between this and Taxi Driver. It is the ultimate film and a lot of it came about due to budgetary constraints and a form of fluid creativity and collaboration removed from ego.

Fuck both of the remakes especially the David Gordon Green one, ew.


My Favorite Scene:

The lead up to Annie’s murder


My Favorite Character:

Michael Myers man!

He is also responsible for some my worst nightmares.
